
Fulast - Havet Är Djupt

My Friends Niclas Stanik & Johan Påhlman is trying to get a gig at the Secret Island Nation Festival 2010 with thier mixtape "Havet Är Djupt". It's 55 minutes of Deep Pleasure.

If you like it Visit THIS event, attend and "like" "HAVET ÄR DJUPT".


/Homie J



Aniara is our record label and soundsystem. We release deep/fun stuff and set up our precious soundsystem in various locations 4 ur listening pleasure. BIG HUG!

That is their presentation on Facebook. The guys Behind is Fabian Bruhn and Erik Svensson from Gothenburg. I LOVE their first Release. I think you might do that to. Take a LISTEN

/Homie J


Cocoon - Compilation J

I am bad at blog-posting at the moment. Because of my bad Internet and my worse 6-15 work. I hope all of you who read this blog from time to time are feeling good. Last Friday was the opening night for mine and Louise Johansson's club Täkkno. David Ekenbäck's Performance was really good and I feel that we took Örebro and Satin to a new level. And we will continue at the same track the 16th of July when our second night takes place. The Guests is Göran Dahlström and Cazuma Mori, I have great expectations.

Sankt Göran:


at last I want to tip you about the newly released Cocoon - Compilation J, with The best of Cocoon.

/Homie J

P.s I will post more regularly onwards so keep visit this shy little blog!